Before Chad and I left Charlotte, my father, amongst many well wishes, jokingly remarked, "Say hello to the old country for me." So, to the old country we went. My father and his two sisters grew up in the small mussel fishing village of Bruinisse on the southern island of Zeeland. I've been here several times as a child and teenager, but on this visit I think I was better able to understand a bit of what my father's life might have been like.
The mussel harbor which coincidentally hosted a mussel fest that same afternoon.
Zeeuwse Mussel pride
A bakery owned by my the father and brother of my father's childhood best friend.
This is baker Daan (who gave us free treats!)
Sprucing up my grandmother's grave
That's a bit better. On her headstone reads (in Dutch) "My grace is sufficient for you". The same phrase-in English of course-is transcribed in my brother's headstone as well.
(foreground) my great-grandfather (back) my grandfather
The home on the right was my father's
Zierikzee, another town on Zeeland where my father went to secondary school.
Tante Tineke resting while we enjoy a cup of coffee at (formerly) Koss and Toss; a common hangout spot of my aunt and father.
Chadwick :)
Belgian Frites-which are always served with mayonnaise. Now, I am not a mayonnaise fan, but this mayonnaise tastes completely different-and better-than ours. Where can I get some?!
The oldest building in Zierikzee dating back to the 14th century.
The North Sea
The Kik family provided us with some mussels
And here was our dinner-fresh from the sea.
Chad enjoying a classic Bruinisse meal. (I ate a sandwich.)
K + C