And here are the snapshots from day 2 and the morning of day 3 before we caught our flight back to Gouda. (There is so much I want to share I am finding it hard to choose between all of the photos!)

The Tower of London
Henry VIII's armor
The White Tower
Do you think this hat will catch on in Charlotte?
The Tower
We embraced our inner tourist spirits and boarded "the eye".
Here we are!
Westminster Abbey, perhaps my most celebrated moment in London. Not only is it aesthetically stunning, but we made the acquaintance of a Westminster Abbey staff member who walked me through the details of the royal wedding. We also saw the burial sites of literary giants such as Geoffrey Chaucer, Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning and also Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.
Chad waiting on lunch (free from the cold and rain) at the Dickens Inn next to St. Katherine's Docks. Fun Fact: Dickens Inn was built by Charles Dickens' great grandson.
That was one giant (yummy) latte to warm me up.
Chad beside Tower Bridge in Olympic dress
The Natural History Museum was just a two minute walk from our hotel (and free!).
That was one large dinosaur!
The museum featured an Animal Inside Out exhibit, similar to Bodies. This here was camel.
And strange armored ... thing.
Bought some goodies from this small shop.
Chicken Tikka Masala for dinner.
A day's worth of site-seeing makes a girl hungry.
Another favorite spot: Millennium Bridge. Here, looking south at Tate Modern
Looking north here at St. Paul's
A closer view-we climbed to the top of that dome.
I had to walk up the stairs quite quickly to keep up with the senior citizens in front of me!
Stay tuned for more.