I love savoring this Christmas season with my love. As I type this, childhood carols play in the background while the lighted Christmas tree keeps me company.
Today, Chad and I accomplished some much needed gift shopping. We were even able to score several pretty sizable sales. Of course I couldn't pass on 40% off a pair of mustard Seychelles.
Meanwhile, here is what I've been up to over the past couple of weeks.
Our good friends, Aaron and Renee, welcomed sweet baby Judson Bauer Strauch into this world. I fell in love at first sight. He is nothing short of precious.
Thanksgiving day was spent among Keith family. That is always a special treat. This year was even more special when I stumbled upon this photo of my father in law. I love his smile!
Emily and Cameron Keith with their baby pug, Satchmo.
Our two boys left early, so CSD advisory lunch at Brickhouse was just us girls. I was okay with that. :)
Koda is already in Christmas spirit.
I conquered the last bit of a fever at Christmas in Davidson. Highlight of the night: petting zoo, complete with this baby goat. I'm a fan.
I spent last night accompanying my sweet friend, Erika, at the NoDa All Arts Market. Erika makes homemade organic soaps, lip balm, hand lotion, and sugar scrubs. You can find her on Etsy: Gwynne Gardens.
Lastly, my Saturday morning began my most favorite way: FaceTime with my nephew Jack.
Until next time,