
We are home! It's a strange, wonderful feeling. I'm digging myself out from under heaps of laundry, our pantry has been restocked, Koda is home and cuddly as ever, and I'm wildly optimistic about the future.  

God is good! Prior to our departure, Chad got word that his position as a system engineer with PCMHC will be full-time beginning mid-August; the same time my new teaching job (officially) begins at CSD. This opportunity is an answer to prayer and we are humbled by God's faithful blessing. Thank you for those who prayed alongside us.

The last few days of our adventure took us to Rome, Venice, and Milan by way of train. We were able to enjoy the Italian countryside as well as some strikingly beautiful cities. With Chad returning to work today-and all the photos on his laptop-that post will come a little later. Meanwhile, I am excited to get cozy again with Charlotte, catch up with friends, get my house in order, and meet my father for dinner tomorrow night. :)

Much love...