After 24 hours, four plane embarkings, two mechanical difficulties, and lots of failed attempts at slumber, we made it! Truly, our shared excitement seemed to mask a lot of the trials of travel. My excitement largely stems from Chad's. As mentioned in previous posts Europe is a place so dear to my heart, a place brimming with family, that it is something amazing to watch the man I love fall in awe of a place so special to me. Here are some snapshots of our adventures so far.
Gouda's town hall, dating back to the middle ages.
Ah! Kattensingel 79 welcomes us! (Our room-in my Tante Tineke and Uncle Kees' home) are the two windows on the third floor-it's larger than it looks.
I am quite taken by Tineke's garden.
Scrumptious breakfast
We were welcomed to Den Haag by the Prime Minister of the Netherlands himself (left) and the Vice Prime Minister of Russia (right).
Queen Beatrix's working palace in Den Haag (the flag is up which means she's in).
Chad and (cousin) Floortje at Lucie's first birthday party!
Lucie's 1 jaar! (with brothers Jules, left; Vince, right)
Opa (Uncle Kees) and five of his six grandchildren (Jules, Lucie, Vince, Ocean, Lenta)
Eva and baby Lucie
It didn't take long for me to fall in love with the sweet babe (with her Oma, Tante Tineke).
The girls (twins, Ocean and Lenta) loved their coloring books from America!
Jules with his Tante Floortje
No good cup of coffee in Gouda is complete without a stroopwafel (a delicious honey wafer)
The endless supply of Gouda cheese-yum!
Today...Amsterdam (in a bit of rain...)
Stay tuned for more... K + C