As a kid, summer was a little slice of heaven; running around outside, barefoot, relying only on the waning of the sun to summon you home. I rode my bike everywhere: to my father's greenhouse business behind our home, to my friends' houses down the street, and even to ice cream. cream.
1. Early morning coffee sipped slowly on the patio outside of my childhood home.
Here are a few of my favorite summer things (in no particular order):
1. Early morning coffee sipped slowly on the patio outside of my childhood home.
I always love shared early morning coffee chat with my dad in his original Adirondack chairs.
2. Afternoons by my parents' pool. In high school my girl friends and I would spend hours swimming, tanning, and swimming by this small oasis. Today, when I visit, I love watching my niece (Madelyn) and nephew (Jack) laugh and laugh while kicking and blowing bubbles in their Oma and Opa's pool.
Jack's still a little hesitant on his own.
Madelyn and I tend to be a bit more goofy. She's ready for the deep end!
3. Ice cream. Does this really need an explanation?
My favorite place to pop in for a waffle cone with Moose Tracks is Kilwin's in Blowing Rock, NC.
4. My mother's strawberry rhubarb pie. I had the worst craving for this yesterday, so I emailed my mom for her recipe. She hasn't responded yet, but I'm also hoping she feels inspired to make one when she visits next week. This recipe looks very familiar to her own.
Photo from smitten kitchen
5. Time with family.
My petite mom entertaining her grand babies.
This is blurry, but I adore watching my father love on Jack.
Dinner while visiting my parents in New York.
For now, face time with my sister will have to suffice.
the Keith brothers, July 4 circa 2010.
What are a few of your favorite (summer) things?