Yesterday I met my friend Lynne for lunch at the scenic North Harbor Club situated next to Lake Norman in Davidson, North Carolina. It was not too hot or humid. Perfect for catching up with a pal over lunch.
My life continued as planned and I found myself a college graduate, home, with no promise of a job, most likely to my parents' dismay. That summer my mother attended a wedding where she bumped into Lynne's sister, Lori. Lori spoke of a healthy job market where her sister lived and promised to connect the two of us. She did. We connected. I got a job. A couple days later I found myself in her home, teaching alongside her, sharing a bathroom with her son, and adjusting to her town.
For me, the move turned out to be one of the most amazing decisions I've made. So much good has come from that one simple day when I said, "Sure, I'll come down to North Carolina where I don't know a single soul." I was terrified, but God was good. Too few times have I only looked at how I have benefited.
On September 11, 2001 Lynne was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. For Lynne, this degenerative disease seemed rather easily manageable until 2007-2008; my first year at Hopewell. It was during this time in Lynne's life when the disease reared its ugly head and made its presence known. Everyday tasks and simple actions became quite difficult and painful for Lynne. I remember several days when one of Lynne's students would find me in my classroom to tell me she wasn't doing well and we should probably get help. Bob or I would drive her to the doctor to see that all was well.
I can't say that time in Lynne's life is over, because the truth is that Parkinson's will never wane or leave her, only worsen. Thanks to the wisdom of doctors, Lynne has found ways to manage and live with this disease. If I'm really honest with myself, I think God knew that Lynne and I needed each other. I needed the new life Lynne could help me build. Lynne needed a helping hand to maneuver through the trying time of her disease. God works in ways, for our good, that we don't always know and understand. That is just one of the innumerable reasons He is to be glorified.