The reason I moved to North Carolina five years ago was to accept a teaching position at Hopewell High School. There is no doubt in my mind that the big move from New York was all part of His perfect plan; I have my good friend Lynne Marum to thank for making it happen.
In my five years at Hopewell I (ironically) learned to teach, grew as an educator in so many ways, met some of the most amazing people in my colleagues, and had my heart touched by students who, now, are people I know will be in my life forever. However, for the past two years I have felt that it was my time to move on to something else. I wasn't sure where that place would be-teaching or not.
After many resumes, cover letters, interviews, and prayers, I have a new job! Next school year I will be teaching 11th grade English at Community School of Davidson, a charter school about 15 minutes northwest of our home. The high school is still relatively new. CSD has been adding one grade a year; this year its 11th grade. The more I learn about CSD the more I feel I am in the right place. CSD's philosophy of education mirrors mine almost identically. AND service, community, and the arts are just as valuable as academic growth at CSD, things close to my heart.
Yup-I'm pretty darn excited to be jumping into the mix!