Today was a success! After some great coffee and breakfast I spent some time tidying up the house. This may sound strange, but cleaning and organizing relaxes me. It helps me to feel more settled for the rest of the day knowing I've cleaned up a bit.
Before Chad woke up I tapped into my arts and crafts spirit (it's hard to reach, but it's in there somewhere) and finished up some projects for my newspaper girls. Once Chad was up we measured and figured out what we'd have to buy for our day's home projects. I couldn't help but snap this photo of his new found "perfect helmet".
I had to creep from the loft so he wouldn't see me and ruin the photo op. I love the glimpses of the kid in him.
Off to Lowe's we went for some shelving supplies, but not before I caught this little guy in what I have now come to refer to as his aerodynamic sleeping pose-I like to think he's dreaming of flying when he assumes this position.
Yesterday he demolished my fourth pair of shoes-yes, FOUR! (And this pair was one of the replacement pairs...gosh!) I'm hoping this is just a puppy thing. The score is now: me 4, Chad 1; I don't think my wardrobe can take another hit. I still can't help but love the little monster.
On the way back from Lowe's we stopped for some lunch at this fabulous little shindig that we've driven past many times but never actually stopped in.
Good stuff that R & R Bar-B-Que.
So here are the new shelves in the laundry "nook". Our laundry is downstairs in our house, off of the kitchen. Folding doors make it convenient to quickly toss items here as a makeshift storage space and I've been dying to get rid of the clutter and chaos. I'm not completely done organizing, but the shelves are a huge help.
And our semi-finished downstairs half bath. (Where I was standing when I took the shelf photo.)
It's hard to capture the whole thing in one shot. I was aiming for a rustic French countryside look and I'm eyeing a few more pieces to finish it off. Chad also added some new shelves in the garage to replace the ones that so pleasantly crashed to the ground last week (paint in was a joyous night). The new shelves look awesome-he's quite the handyman.
And we finished our day with some dinner and a movie with great friends.
Lots of photos this time around. I hope you enjoyed :)