It's been a couple weeks now, but thank you so much for all of the kind words and well wishes on our big news!
Now, let's talk life with two wee ones. When we shared the news that we were expecting again with my parents, my mom's first reaction was "Boy, you're going to be busy!" My family isn't known for lavish emotional displays, but not exactly the moment I had envisioned. (Love you, mom.)
The truth is that I will be busy. What mother isn't'? In efforts to see what exactly will be in store for me once our second babe arrives, I turned to the place all inquiring minds go: Google. (Sad, but true.) "Two babies", "tips for two babies", "shared nurseries", "balancing life with two under two". Granted my search engine skills are weak, but nothing useful appeared unless I'm carrying twins.
Out of part frustration and part epiphany, I did what I should have done in the first place. I turned to mothers of two or more, mothers who love their families deep and well, mothers who instruct their littles in the ways of the Lord, mothers who wear many hats and wear them well, mothers who are well acquainted with the weight of the world but still walk in grace, mothers who I respect and admire, mothers who agreed to share their advice for life with two or more littles with Yankee Belle. For the sake of transparency, their stories are not what I expected, a tactical guide to raising children. They are better. Their stories are a reminder of such a simple, but profound truth: in all pursuits, motherhood not the least of these, look to Him.
I am so excited to bring you their stories! For the next few weeks, beginning today, Yankee Belle will feature a different mother's story and heart for her family. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!