God is so good...

Last night I had dinner with two of my best friends. They are kind, loving, brilliant, blunt, and both over 60. Lynne, one of the strongest women I know, housed me for my first three months in North Carolina, only after she landed me my first real, adult job. Pam was my first officemate. She has a tendency to tell you what she thinks, whether you want to know or not, but would truly give you her life if she knew you'd be better off with it than she. These ladies have taught me so much about living. Last night's conversation centered around none other than my upcoming life with baby Nora.

But I don't want to talk about that. I want to share today's post-dinner email exchange with Pam.

Pam: "So great to see you and Lynne last night. You look absolutely gorgeous. Love you much and can't wait to love Baby Nora! Have a happy day and try to prop your feet up!"

Me: "I had such a great time last night. Thank you for thinking of getting together. You do too much for the people you love! Those boots you found are adorable! I cannot wait until she is big enough to wear them.  :) Love the other gifts too! She has a cell phone now, and is still in the womb-ha!"

(Last night's gift brought Pam's total to number four. This child isn't even here yet!)

Pam: "Well, of course I want Baby Nora to be technologically savvy! Can you believe that in 18 years you will be the mother of a high school senior? Doesn't it all seem surreal?"

Me: "I refuse to believe that to be true. Can I do that?"

Pam: "Yes, and she'll be beautiful and accomplished and she'll drive you batty some of the time. And ten years later she will thank you for raising her well. And that, my precious young friend, is the value of this life. How blessed are you to get this opportunity. God is so good..."

White Knuckles

This evening, Chad and I (mainly Chad) put together baby girl's crib. Chad doesn't know it, but at one point I fought back tears caused by the sheer joy of our girl's anticipated arrival. It all seems more real today than yesterday. And tomorrow even more, I'm sure. The most amazing part of it all is that no one has met her, yet she is already very loved.

Over the past few months I have spent much leisure time reading any seemingly worthwhile pregnancy and parenting book. With some pages I laughed, some I'm certain I forgot, while others I vowed to disregard in lieu of the ones filled with theories I'm clinging to and, already, have proclaimed to practice as religiously as my own faith. Here's the catch. As valuable as any good sleep training theory worthy of a white knuckle grasp is, the relationships with the vast amount of Godly women-wives and mothers-that the Lord has placed in my life are worth ten thousand times more.

In addition to a regular young mothers' group I attend, last night I took up a friend's invitation to join some Journey Church women as they listened to a (grand)mother share her stories of marriage and parenting at the best French bakery in town. It was in that moment, the moment shared with a chocolate raspberry tart and chai tea latte, soaking up her instruction that I realized the pages I cling to pale in comparison to God's wisdom. I will become the fully equipped mother I am meant to be when I hold on tightly-white knuckle tight-to the wisdom that is revealed when I am on my knees in prayer, surrendering in worship, and humbling myself in the company of mothers who have gone before me and whose children call her blessed.

This is the love that I was talking about. Sure, the women in my life love me, but their willingness to help equip me with the nuances of raising Godly children is the very essence of loving on my baby girl. So, thank you, ladies. Your love is so very gratefully accepted.